Canine Scent Detection Program: Canines for Care
Vancouver Coastal Health (VCH) was the first health care organization in the world to operationalize its Clostridioides difficile (C. difficile) canine scent detecting program, which helps detect and reduce C. difficile infection rates in health care settings. The program was about to grow with the addition of two new dogs, who would begin to use the power of their noses to detect unseen threats to human health, and we were tasked with generating a lot of buzz for the cute newcomers.
VGH & UBC Hospital Foundation helped launch Canines for Care by providing funding to the original pilot program, which was proven so successful it became permanently embedded at VCH. The Foundation continues to provide ongoing funding for Canines for Care.
With more than 300 million olfactory receptors, dogs are known to be able to detect unseen threats to human health, including bacterial and viral infections and cancer, and their accuracy can be comparable to certain laboratory diagnostic tests.
What We Did
We developed a strategic communications campaign that:
Highlighted the two newest members of the Canines for Care team, Arti and Anton, while generating awareness for Canines for Care and the growing program across B.C. and Canada.
Provided media training and enhanced our clients' profile by landing interview spots on some of Canada's most coveted news stations, including Global News and National Post.
Helped shift perceptions around canine scent detection effectiveness - the program has proven to be more effective than machine technologies to do the same job, and provides revenues that are re-invested in research.
150+ million
National Post B.C. Dog Team is Making Hospitals Safer by Tracking Superbug and Preventing Outbreak
Toronto Star Dogs Trained to Detect Potentially Deadly Superbug at B.C. Hospitals
CBC News Dogs Trained to Use the Power of Their Nose to Detect Bacteria
Global News Morning Canines for Care Gets Two New Adorable Members
CTV News Vancouver Vancouver Coastal Health Welcomes Two New Canines Ready to Sniff Deadly Superbug
"SOMA has helped us generate a ton of positive attention this year. We have been covered extensively across North America, and they have played a role in that success. With their help, we've not only raised wide-spread awareness for our very important work with our Canines for Care dogs, we've also enhanced donor funding - critical to the transformation of health care for all British Columbians."
- Teresa Zurberg, Co-founder and Program Research and Innovation Lead for VCH's Canine Detection Program